Why Make Another Beautiful Thing: Dance Drawing Ecology
Haute école d’art et de design Genève 2019

Why make another beautiful thing (dance - drawing - ecology) is a 3 day workshop that begins with this prompt as a mode to develop and refine practice. Students should bring existing projects to be transformd by this process of creating new relations and potentialities. This workshop will take the form of a collaborative rehearsal process, resulting in (possibly) a play, a score, an ecology, a collective event.


  • Movement - spatial, bodily, and choreographic processes for haptic observation, perception and making

  • Radical dependency - our conversation and dialogue itself is the basis

  • Improvisation & Jazz solo/dialogue as philosophy, social and artistic practice

  • Drawing - direct mark and trace making, material form finding, lightweight supports for work

  • Score making - finding language (visual, text, pictogram, etc) to translate and communicate the immaterial or ephemeral

Further questions

  • What does it mean to create work within the tensions of our hyper- capitalistic-digitized-climate-emergency-society?

  • What about beauty, what about the sublime?

  • What defines creatives practice (thingliness?) now?

  • What about the immaterial? What about the body?
